Strategic priorities have been worked out in order to achieve the results towards
establishing Digital Bangladesh. This will include activities like determining immediate
priorities, formulation of projects and their implementations. In the strategy paper priority
has been given to education, agriculture, health, justice,
enforcement of law, land and
natural resources, social safety net, environment and climate change, trade and
investment and ICT. This strategy paper has been prepared for the policy makers,
development partners, private entrepreneurs, NGOs and civil societies, mass media
workers, academics and the citizens at large. Following this strategy paper, the ICT
Policy 2009 has been revised. The priorities set out in the policy papers are being
included in the Sixth Five Year Plan.
Infrastructure development is fundamentally an important factor for establishing
âDigital Bangladeshâ. Simultaneously, initiatives for developing skilled human resources,
necessary administrative arrangements, fiscal support and policy formulation are also
necessary. The following sections discuss the existing facilities and the measures taken in
light of the Governmentâs commitments and plans.
establishing Digital Bangladesh. This will include activities like determining immediate
priorities, formulation of projects and their implementations. In the strategy paper priority
has been given to education, agriculture, health, justice,
enforcement of law, land and
natural resources, social safety net, environment and climate change, trade and
investment and ICT. This strategy paper has been prepared for the policy makers,
development partners, private entrepreneurs, NGOs and civil societies, mass media
workers, academics and the citizens at large. Following this strategy paper, the ICT
Policy 2009 has been revised. The priorities set out in the policy papers are being
included in the Sixth Five Year Plan.
Infrastructure development is fundamentally an important factor for establishing
âDigital Bangladeshâ. Simultaneously, initiatives for developing skilled human resources,
necessary administrative arrangements, fiscal support and policy formulation are also
necessary. The following sections discuss the existing facilities and the measures taken in
light of the Governmentâs commitments and plans.
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