Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Task Force had been
constituted with the Honorable Prime Minister as its convener and Secretary,
Planning Division as its member secretary to make decision on ICT related
activities. In the election manifesto Awam
i League affirmed to revive the ICT Task
Force formed during their last term and it is in the process of being reconstituted
as of August, 2009. The ICT taskforce may initiate the p
rocess of making the
national ICT roadmap. The first work of the revived task force would be to prepare
an eReadiness plan to asses the current ICT resources and skilled human resources
of Bangladesh. This may include assessing the current infrastructure, internet
accessibility, available skilled ICT professional, digitization level of the country and
others. After a good assessment, the job will be to identify the projects and
programs that need to be focused and consolidated at the national level, and all the
sectors, including public and private that need enhancement and development.
constituted with the Honorable Prime Minister as its convener and Secretary,
Planning Division as its member secretary to make decision on ICT related
activities. In the election manifesto Awam
i League affirmed to revive the ICT Task
Force formed during their last term and it is in the process of being reconstituted
as of August, 2009. The ICT taskforce may initiate the p
rocess of making the
national ICT roadmap. The first work of the revived task force would be to prepare
an eReadiness plan to asses the current ICT resources and skilled human resources
of Bangladesh. This may include assessing the current infrastructure, internet
accessibility, available skilled ICT professional, digitization level of the country and
others. After a good assessment, the job will be to identify the projects and
programs that need to be focused and consolidated at the national level, and all the
sectors, including public and private that need enhancement and development.
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